Ben Jenkins, ThreatLocker: Dealing with the scourge of ransomware

A padlock on a shed.

Threatlocker was founded in 2017. What was it set up to do?

Endpoint security, and we do that by following zero trust. Now, the problem is zero trust is not the best name to describe things. And it's kind of this industry buzzword or buzz term that's come out that we kind of had to stick to using because it’s what people know. But we don't like to describe things as zero trust. 

Essentially, we do it through four main pillars. So we have our application...

Greg Day, Palo Alto Networks: On protecting our way of life in the digital age

Security threats have evolved considerably over the years and Palo Alto Networks knows more than most that “protecting our way of life” also requires a digital approach in the modern world.

Historically, nations would protect their way of life by having the sharpest swords, the biggest guns, the sturdiest tanks, or the fastest planes. Nowadays, it’s as much – if not more – about who has the most secure networks and systems.

CloudTech spoke with Greg Day, VP...