Canonical releases low-touch private cloud MicroCloud

Canonical has announced the general availability of MicroCloud, a low-touch, open source cloud solution. MicroCloud is part of Canonical’s growing cloud infrastructure portfolio.

It is purpose-built for scalable clusters and edge deployments for all types of enterprises. It is designed with simplicity, security and automation in mind, minimising the time and effort to both deploy and maintain it. Conveniently, enterprise support for MicroCloud is offered as part of...

99% of firms face challenges due to multiple cloud platforms

Virtually all decision-makers (99%) at enterprise organisations in the UK & Ireland face various challenges arising from having data in multiple clouds.

These include different answers to the same question depending on which cloud the data resides, high costs and slow speeds to obtain insights, and poor accuracy.

These findings were revealed as part of a report by SAS, a specialist in analytics and AI, entitled A Silver Lining from Every Cloud. It looks at the...

How JML gained more security and control with private cloud and saved £1.1m

JML is a household name, with a £100m turnover. Known for promoting products via in-store video screens, the retail company is a recognisable presence on the high street and in some of the biggest retailers throughout the UK and Ireland.

The company develops products in a variety of categories and sells them through its website, TV channels, and in retail outlets. In addition to its own products, JML also distributes products from other international direct response television...