40%+ of firms lose revenue from technology downtime and cloud complexity

55% of enterprises are struggling to derive meaningful insights from their data, highlighting an industry-wide need to deliver technology faster, more reliably and in more places, according to a survey by Hitachi Vantara, the modern infrastructure, data management and digital solutions subsidiary of Hitachi.

The survey revealed ongoing challenges related to security, inflexible systems, isolated data, a skilled labor shortage, and the need for infrastructure agility. These...

Asda chooses Veeam to mitigate risk of multi-million-pound retail downtime

An ASDA employee delivering to a customer.

Asda has selected Veeam Availability Suite to provide effective backup and restore for mission-critical systems.

Following its divestiture from Walmart in early 2021, the supermarket chain has taken responsibility for protecting the large, virtualised infrastructure that underpins its business, and Veeam, a specialist in backup, recovery and data management solutions, has enabled it to do this without sending IT headcount soaring.

Asda’s business model relies heavily...

Downtime impact worsening as industry fails to curb outages

A close up of a clock face.

The digital infrastructure sector is struggling to achieve a measurable reduction in outage rates and severity, and the financial consequences and overall disruption from outages are steadily increasing.

This is according to the Uptime Institute, which has released the findings of its 2022 annual Outage Analysis report.

Andy Lawrence, founding member and executive director, Uptime Institute Intelligence, said: “Digital infrastructure operators are still struggling to...